Inspirasi Alkitab

(The Inspiration of the Bible)



Infallibilitas Alkitab (1)

(The Infallibility of the Bible)



Infallibilitas Alkitab (2)

(The Infallibility of the Bible)



Pengujian & Pembuktian Alkitab

(The Bible Tried and Proved)



Gemetar di Hadapan Firman Allah

(Trembling at the Word of the Lord)




Infallibilitas Alkitab (2)


Video by Dr. Edi Purwanto



Pemenang Jiwa

(The Soul-Winners)

Video series


Pelayanan Pastoral

(Pastoral Ministry)

Video series




C. H. Spurgeon Center is ministry of Philadelphia Baptist Seminary and Church to presenting the thoughts of Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892). C. H. Spurgeon was “Prince of Preachers”, Baptist preacher from Metropolitan Tabernacle, London.


This center provides the video sermons or presentations by Dr. Edi Purwanto, president of Philadelphia Baptist Seminary and pastor of Philadelphia Baptist Church, who try to expose the great ideas of Spurgeon’s thoughts in the light truth of the Word of God.


C. H. Spurgeon Center adalah pelayanan dari STTI Philadelphia dan Gereja Baptis Independen Philadelphia untuk mempresentasikan pemikiran-pemikiran dari Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1992). C. H. Spurgeon dikenal sebagai “Rajanya Para Pengkhotbah”, pengkhotbah Baptis yang pernah melayani  di Metropolitan Tabernacle, London.


Pusat studi ini menyediakan video khotbah atau presentasi yang disampaikan oleh Dr. Edi Purwanto, ketua STTI Philadelphia dan gembala Gereja Baptis Independen Philadelphia, yang mencoba untuk mengekspos ide-ide luar biasa dari pemikiran Spurgeon dalam terang kebenaran Firman Tuhan.